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Carey Lee

Bachelor’s degree in Chinese Medicine. Over 30 year’s professional experience in

  • Women’s Health: Infertility, IVF support, Miscarriage, (PCOS), Endometriosis, Period pain, Irregular period, menopause

  • Digestion disorder, stomach pain, gas in the intestines, reflux, IBS, constipation etc

  • Children's health: coughs, asthma, tonsillitis, eczema, sleep, allergies, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic, reflux

  • Stress-related conditions, anxiety, depression, insomnia

  • Pain conditions: headache, migraine, neck, shoulders and back pain, arthritis and joint pain

Fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese

30余年丰富的中医全科临床经验: 妇科:不孕,IVF支持, 流产,多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS), 子宫内膜 异位症, 痛经,月经不调,更年期潮热 儿科:咳嗽, 哮喘,扁桃体炎,湿疹,睡眠,过敏,腹泻,消化不良,绞痛 各种急慢性疼痛: 颈肩腰背疼痛, 椎间盘突出,坐骨神经痛,网球肘 消化障碍:胃炎, 胃痛,胀气,反酸,便秘, 肝功能障碍 各种压力相关疾病: 紧张,焦虑,抑郁, 慢性疲劳, 慢性失眠 其他杂症: 皮肤搔痒,带状疱疹, 面瘫 / 中风后遗症 特别擅长中医药食疗调理各种慢性疾病以及术后恢复。

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