0435 594 644 (WhatsApp)
(02) 9872 7474
Professional Treatment and Preventive Care
Shop 208, Level one, Carlingford Court Shopping Centre, Carlingford, NSW 2118
Gloria Zhao
Bachelor's Degree in Chinese Medicine. Over 20 years professional experience in:
Gynecology: Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, PCOS , endometriosis, infertility, IVF support, postpartum support, breast hyperplasia, fibroids, menopause and other general wellbeing concerns.
Pain management: Migraine headache, muscle or joint pain in the area of the neck, shoulder, elbow, lower back, knee and ankle pain. Frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, tenosynovitis, carpal tunnel, lumbar disc herniation/bulging, sciatica, rheumatism or Rheumatoid arthritis caused swelling or paralysis, stroke rehabilitation.
Internal Medicine: Chronic fatigue, long COVID, digestive system issues, weight management, insomnia, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, fatty liver and other chronic disorders.
Fluent in English and Chinese
中医本科毕业 .专业擅长治疗妇科,痛症及内科疑难杂症: 妇科:月经不调,痛经,多囊卵巢综合症,子宫内膜移位,不孕不育,人工助孕辅助治疗,产后调养,乳腺病变,肌瘤,更年期及女性日常 养护和调理。 痛症:偏头痛,颈肩痛,凝肩, 肩周炎,网球肘,腱鞘炎,腕管综合征,腰肌劳损,腰椎间盘膨出/突出,腰肌劳损,坐骨神经痛,膝/踝关节痛及各种风湿,类风湿关节炎引起肿痛,麻痹,及中风后遗症。 内科:慢性疲劳,COVID 后遗症,消化功能障碍,体重管理, 失眠, 高血压,脂肪肝,抑郁症等疑难慢性病。